Friday, January 2, 2015

His Work of Art

HIS Work of Art
I have packed my bags, arrangements with Care Flight are finalized. When the call comes, I am ready to go. 

I have also had a few days to process where I am. That time has been somewhat limited due to a visit with Stacy, Shane, Grace and Jeremy, the Colorado kiddos.  But grandkids are definitely the best kind of wonderful distraction! They were here when I got the ‘You are on the list’ phone call and they presented me with a super special Survival Kit they had prepared.  Such sweetness!!  We were also able to spend some time with my mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law, so my processing AND my Facebook time has not been at the forefront of activity (and that's not such a bad thing!).  Hence, there have been very few acknowledgements of the tremendously supportive comments, nor has there been a lot of time for the swirling-around-in-my-head-scenarios-that-I-need-to-stay-away-from.

What I do know is that these pictures somewhat define what is going on inside my head.  The top picture is of a fabulous blown glass sculpture in the lobby of one of the UTSW facilities.  The other is a close-up of part of that sculpture.  You will immediately be able to see what I am referring to.  There is this striking piece of art … but then look at all the details that are required to get it where it is.   Please realize, art is all in the eye of the beholder, right?
And the moral of this story?  So simple.  I AM going to feel like that incredible piece of art, but what is it going to take to get to that point?  A mind that is going in multiple directions, blowing up at the strangest times, never really looking like it knows what is going on, but all coming from a single source of support and then magically, after hours of painstakingly detailed work from lots of different sources, coming out as a magnificent work of art. 

Ok, so that might be taking it a step too far.  But I think you get the idea.  I can’t define it, I can’t describe it, I can’t imagine it.  I can only live it.  Live every moment until that phone call comes that says it’s time.  And then we go and start the work of putting it all together, all with the especially unique support that Don brings, as well as the dozens of others it will take for it to stand straight, tall and be a work of art.  And with God holding tight to all those wild crazy pieces that look so random,  knowing where they all fit to make this HIS Work of Art ... oh yeah, I can't wait to see what He is creating!

So, I am again asking for the help you have offered:
1.       Prayers for the phone call that says it is time to go start this process (or for our patience   while we wait!)

2.       Picture the piece of art that takes patience to assemble.  Pray for that process.

3.       Prayers for the foundation that is required before this process can even begin.  Yes, I am referring again to the family who will have to make that extremely difficult decision to let go.
Once again, we thank you for the phenomenal amount of support that has been expressed.  And I continuously thank God for YOU as well as for this amazing life He has given me.


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