Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's A YES ... almost!

It's a YES. Y.E.S.

(Well, It is an almost yes. We have to wait on the actual printed pathology report from 2 procedures before my name goes on the actual list but both doctors have assured me everything looks fine. Just a technical issue that might be resolved as early as Friday. Either way, the committee said yes, so that's what we are calling it. So, therefore......)

YES is my new favorite word. YES brought with it a flood of tears. YES brought a level of feelings that are new to me. YES brought a whole new round of questions. YES made me start new lists of things I want to get done....and a new round of lists for Don to go along with it. YES helped clarify a future that was somewhat vague and uncertain. Oh yeah, I'm liking my YES.

I wanted to have a little blurb written and ready to go when I got my YES. But when I tried to get it written down before I got my YES, I realized I didn't know how I would respond or how I would feel. I couldn't do it.

But then when the YES came, I had only been out of anesthesia for about 30 minutes. So how did I feel? I cried. Like any self respecting drugged up woman would do. And it was The Ugly Cry. Yup, that was the one. I mean, what else is a girl to do?

How do I explain the feelings? Overwhelmed. Humbled. Amazed. Those same feelings I had a couple of weeks ago. But they are different. They are deeper. They aren't so anxious. All this poking, prodding, pushing, pulling (I didn't know they would 'squeeze' too!) I was expecting? Yup, they did it. ALL 8 days of it. Everywhere. Every day. But it is all over. And I am going home. To my bed. To my cuddle duds. And to sleeping late!

But, how does this really feel? Joyous in a subdued kind of way. Overwhelmed in a humongous kind of way. Grateful in an unimaginable kind of way. We are going into uncharted territory. I feel like Star Trek, 'where no man has gone before'.

So ready or not, you great unknown world, here we come! I sure hope you know what you've gotten yourself in to!!!

Don is praying for:
1. New Year's Day, in the hospital, sleeping on a crummy chair next to my hospital bed
2. No more carting all my oxygen supplies around
3. Some home cooked meals
4. His tractor driver back!

But above all, we are just saying thank you. Our prayers are prayers of gratitude.

The picture is just a very few of those incredible prayer warriors.


  1. I am so very thankful. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. What a relief to know your answer is yes; God's answer is yes. Could it really happen that fast ~ by New Year's Day? I will lift you up constantly in prayer knowing you are in God's hands and all is well. Love you my dear friend.

  2. My heart is bouncing in a Snoopy Happy Dance for you!!!!!!!!
