Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Little Brat

"The Little Brat that Grew Up"
 by N.S. Miller
Daughter, Wife, Mother of Two Boys,  Mother-in-Law, Thrift Store Fanatic, Usher at Bass Hall, Aunt, Friend to Everyone She Meets, Sister, Retired School Librarian, Middle Child, Lover of Children's Books, Teacher of the Year, Queen of the Scholastic Book Fair Extravaganza 
Yeah, there are a lot of things you know about Lynda Bishop.  But, there are a few things nobody ever talks about anymore.
She was a tattle-tale.  As far as little sisters go (yeah, believe it or not, she is younger!), she was the brattiest. She ‘borrowed’ clothes without asking. She would sneak in and play with my make-up.  My shoes disappeared with no explanation.   And if I had friends over?  Oh, my.  She always thought she had to join us.  There was no privacy.  And of course, we don’t want to talk about what she did when a boyfriend showed up.  She could get by with anything and believed in the “easier to ask forgiveness than permission” theory. She even got to shave her legs at a younger age than I was when I got to shave mine (And why?  Because she didn't ask permission!).  Between Lynda and our brother David, they got to do everything. (Well, Mom and Dad might think I am exaggerating a little bit here.)
But let me tell you the rest of the story.  She grew up.  And now …
If you are ever stressed, upset, concerned, going through a bad time, call me for Lynda’s  number.  
If you ever need someone to make you laugh, Lynda can do that.
If you ever need someone to realize you are taking yourself way too seriously, oh, can Lynda do that.
If you just need to cry, Lynda lets you cry for a little while and before you know it, the tears turn to laughter.
If you need someone to talk FOR you, Lynda is an expert at that.
If you don’t remember what the doctor said during that consultation, Lynda took notes and she can look it up for you.
If you need a strong friend who’s got your back, Lynda can do that too.
If you want a funny story, get Lynda to tell it.  She can find 'funny' everywhere she goes, no matter what she is doing.
And if you need someone to bounce your new blog idea off of, decide whether it's appropriate to say something and then proof read it?  Oh yes, email it to Lynda.  For fairly apparent reasons, she didn't get to put her seal of approval on this one.  Hope it's not two obvious (tee hee).
She can always make Daddy laugh.  She helps take some of the stress off of Mom.  She has a way of seeing what needs to be done even when I can’t tell her.  She has a way of fitting in with any kind of a group. She can find the perfect song for every occasion (now do you really think singing "Big Girls Don't Cry" was appropriate during my terrible horrible painful blood test?).
My hubby Don compares Lynda to Bounty .... 'the quicker picker-upper".
Yup, that’s my sister.  I hope I made you cry, Little Sister!!!  I will love you forever.

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