Wednesday, December 17, 2014


The Avalanche
Amazed.  Humbled.  Overwhelmed. 

What do those words even mean? 

I could quote Webster's definition.  But that doesn't do it. Those words can't
convey the depth of emotions I feel.

I have used those words daily this week but I just realized that nothing,
absolutely nothing, can define the depth of feelings that are behind those
words. The support I have received feels like an avalanche has started and it
just keeps accelerating .... and I have lost control. I am that little rock at
the top that just pushed one tiny snow flake out of my way and everything came
tumbling down.

And ME ... doing a blog?  How preposterous. I just wanted a way to ask for prayers.
Well, social media here I am, amateur blog and all.  But it has reconnected me
with people from 40, well ok, 50 years ago. Now how uncanny is that?  Dear
friends, I just know that prayers DO work ... and I covet those prayers.   So I
googled  'How To Do A Blog' and step by step, here we are.

Specifically, my prayer requests this week:

1.  I want to go to the committee on Tuesday ...
It will be a challenge to get all the testing done that is required, but I
am being rather pushy about that. I think they have nicknamed me 'Nagging
Nancy'. The  committee only meets once per week and I want to be in that
presentation before the holidays. They look through all my tests and make
the determination as to whether I qualify to be the recipient of someone's
precious lungs.  Hurdles keep popping up in unexpected places, but so far,
we have been able to jump them all. 

2.  I want a yes from that committee ...
I am at a stage where anything other than yes will be terrifying, so all we
think about is a  Y.E.S.

3.  I want to remember ...
I want to always remember the family that will be heartbroken.

Thank you ALL for your thoughts and prayers....



  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Rex & Lynne

  2. Hey Nancy! I wanted to let you know I will be praying for you DAILY & checking your blog for updates! Thank your for sharing your story & your heart!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Praying for you, dear friend. You are on my heart all the time. And you look beautiful, by the way! Love you much.
