Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reality Check

Reality Check

Day One of the pre-transplant work-up is over. I’m already overwhelmed.  But more than what is in store for me, I think there is a new level of understanding about the life so many others have to live. With what I have always perceived as a somewhat ‘normal’ life, how could I have been so clueless about what so many others go through?  There is a whole world out there that doesn’t have this luxury of ‘normal’.

They haven’t started poking, prodding, pushing or pulling yet…and I am still speechless at how life is going to be different for me.  Make no mistake…I will take this life over no life at all.  It’s just going to be different.  I’m going to have to make different choices, different decisions, take different routes than I would have previously chosen.  Like, choosing vegetables over a chocolate cookie? Steak always having to be cooked at least medium well done?  Why bother?  And eggs can’t be sunny side up?  However will I do it?  And what has Don really signed up for?  He has said he will do whatever I have to do.  Oh, my, he REALLY needs the prayers! 

After the response from my fist blog, I am reminded that this journey will be easy because of all the support I have.  What do people do that don’t have the luxury of masses of people praying for them, holding their hand, sending them encouraging words, sending offers of assistance?  Oh my. I. Am. Truly. Blessed. And I thank you.

I start the poking, prodding, pushing and pulling part next week.  I am NOT holding my breath in anticipation.
(I usually pull the plug out of my nose before taking a picture - surely that's not vanity - but this is my real world right now, so it stayed in.  I wanted to look back and remember life BEFORE my new lungs!!)

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